Sunday, May 4, 2014

Waiting When Jesus Is In The Grave

Recently one of my students, Chelsea West, did a praise dance about how the Lord has grown her through a difficult time of her life. Here's short explanation of the dance she did:

Jesus knew what He was going to do before he went to die on the cross; his disciples couldn't quite grasp what was going to happen, but Jesus could. He was fully aware of how fruitful His death and resurrection would be. On October 21st, 2013, as I walked into a courtroom that would soon be full of people, I wasn't conscious of the fact that my mom could possibly receive jail time. However, God had a bigger plan that would completely change my life.
       The song Buried in the Grave is about the Saturday after Jesus' death; it portrays the pain and confusion the disciples felt. They had given up everything to follow Jesus and there they were, torn between the faith they had and the reality of the situation. For me, this song is the perfect depiction of the season of waiting I went through during the six months my mom was away.  All I had was a release date: a promise like a thread that kept me from fraying at the edge. I didn't know what God would do through me and I didn't know why God would put my family in such a situation. Too often, we get caught up in what we think our call is. We forget that God calls us to be faithful no matter the situation because He is in control and His plans are perfect.

        The song says "all we know is You said You'd come again, You rose up from the dead." That is the promise we need to cling to. God is present in your life and He isn't gone. He didn't leave me in the hardest time of my life; He filled me with joy and peace and my faith blossomed through those six months. What we learn in the waiting is sometimes a greater message than what we learn in the high points of our lives.

View the Dance here

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